2017/18 Past Projects
Steps to Success Into Headship 2017/18
To raise the proportion of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing across the school
Improving Writing in the Early Years
Impact of Outdoor Learning in KS1 + 2
Improving T&L – life after formal lesson observations!
Improve children’s mental health and emotional well-being
Does increased parental engagement lead to improved pupil progress?
Steps to Success for Senior Leadership 2017/18
Challenge in the Classroom and the Impact of Personalised Learning on Progress
Develop Opportunities for Greater Diversity and International Citizenship
To close the gap in progress between KS1 and KS2 Maths SATs results:
To introduce ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach to maths lessons throughout Robert Peel Primary school
Raising standards in reading by improving our teaching of phonics in Early Years and Year 1
Improving progress in underperforming PP students
To promote the continued improvement of teaching and learning through stronger department team